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how many electric blue acara in a 75 gallon

The blue hues will flawlessly complement the bright yellow shades of yellow labs. They are omnivorous and require a varied diet of dry and wet foods. The female will spawn the eggs and the male will fertilize them (usually shortly after). Angelfish are schooling fishes that get along well with electric blue acara. It is a cichlid that hardly adjusts well to changes in the environment, and it can live for a total of 10 years when kept in good condition. Electric Blue Acara and medium-length fish typically reach 6 to 7 inches. Then, the parent electric blues will deliver food to the fry, so small foods, like baby brine shrimp, should be supplemented. One can accomplish this by relocating the fish to a new tank or doing a significant water change. The Electric Blue Acara reaches 6-7 inches in length in adulthood. Treat the whole tank, raising the temperature to 82o F for three days, and use an over-the-counter, condition-specific remedy. This arrangement will create a vibrant highlight in the tank when set against a dark background and greenery plants. It has fins of the same color and a dorsal fin that swims seamlessly through the water. #1. Its crucial to remember that other fish in your tank might consume them, so pick suitable plants for everyone. Thus, the faster you can improve the fishs position, the better. Electric blue acaras are hardier than most fish. As it gets close to spawning time, the male and female fish will display to each other more and more frequently until they are ready to spawn, and their color will increase in intensity. Their fins do show gorgeous red coloring and their silvery bodies reflect cool blues and violets. You must also include the minimum tank size for that tank mate if you want to keep them together. The general rule for this is to make sure the total number of these fish is divisible by two. All Possible Causes, Dropsy In Fish: Your Guide To Symptoms & Treatment, Clown Loach Care: Tank Size, Food, Lifespan, Tank Mates, Dojo Loach Care 101 (aka Weather Or Pond Loach), Picasso Triggerfish Care Guide: Size, Tank Mates, & Diet, Clown Triggerfish 101: Diet, Tank Size, Care Tips & Mates, Marine Betta or Comet 101: Diet, Tank, Mates & Breeding, Ribbon Eel Care Guide: Tank, Color Change, Diet & Size. These fish may then be bred in the main display aquarium or in a breeding tank. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. This difference in size is not always a tried and true method to tell male and female fish apart, though, especially if theyre still juveniles. You can replicate that in the home aquarium by adding a layer of dried leaves to the tank. The fishes preferred habitat is streams where the current is strong, and the water is clear and well-oxygenated. When shopping for your electric blue acara, make sure to confirm whether it is a hybrid or the parent species. Not only is the fish blessed with absolutely beautiful looks, but the Blue Acara is also one of the more peaceful of the cichlids, making it a good choice for a community tank of similar-sized, amenable species. However, this can vary slightly from tank to tank. The recommended tank size for the Electric Blue Acara is 30 gallons. pH levels: These fish can tolerate a pH range of 6 to 7.5, but a pH of 7 to 7.5 is ideal. I don't need to stuff as many fish as possible into this tank, I would just like a balanced, fairly peaceful community tank to enjoy for the long term. Newspaper Directory to find information about American newspapers published between 1690-present. Almost any event that causes changes in habitat or a disturbance in routine and behavior can produce stress. These are stocky, compact fish, growing to reach up to seven inches in length when fully mature, although they are capable of breeding at around four inches long. Electric blue acaras are a colorful freshwater fish native to South America. If youre looking for a beautiful and easy aquarium fish to care for we highly recommend the Electric Blue Acara. Max size of fish: 4.5 inches. The Electric Blue Acara is one of the most beautiful cichlid varieties of aquarium fish. This can certainly become messy at times and leave the controlling aquascaper frustrated. Correct tank water parameters, relieve overcrowding, treat with an over-the-counter drug as directed. Temperature range: 77 to 78.5 degrees Fahrenheit. Breeding electric blue acara is fun and easy. . And last but not least, theyre quite mellow. Cichlids are somewhat aggressive when put in a tank with other fish, but the electric blue acara despite being a cichlid. Due to its maximum size and its long, flowing fins, it is best to maintain a minimum 30-gallon tank for your acara, accompanied by a soft, sandy substrate. Size. The Boeing B-52 Stratofortress is an American long-range, subsonic, jet-powered strategic bomber.The B-52 was designed and built by Boeing, which has continued to provide support and upgrades.It has been operated by the United States Air Force (USAF) since the 1950s. Cichlid bloat is another term for this condition. Electric blue acaras should not be kept with African blood-parrot cichlids because these fish are known to chase acaras out of the aquarium. Electric Blue Acaras are active fish that spend much of their time digging in the substrate, exploring their surroundings, and rummaging through plants and underneath decorations. Its also important to avoid overfeeding. $36.00. Shock can make it harder for a fish to breathe; increasing the amount of oxygen in the water will greatly assist them. The average Electric Blue Acara lifespan is between 8-10 years in captivity. Teach your children to maintain the fishs habitat if you have them. Electric Blue Acaras are quite large fish that generally inhabit bodies of water where the flow is relatively strong. At the same time as the water change, the substrate should be vacuumed to remove uneaten food and other wastes that might have accumulated. Natural objects like driftwood, peat moss, and coral sand can help you balance your pH, but its tough to say how much theyll help. If you plan on keeping multiple Electric Blue Acara in the same tank youll need more space. . So, youll need a canister filter or extra powerheads to help produce a powerful enough circulation. Cichlids like the electric blue acara are omnivores, but they favor a meat-based diet high in protein. They are semi-aggressive and should be kept with peaceful, similarly sized fish. These fish originate from South and Central America and can be found in slow-moving waters just like a lot of their relatives in the cichlid family. . They spend most of their time sucking at the tanks surfaces and removing superfluous algae. Over the course of the next two to three days, the parents will protect the eggs. How to Know If It Happens, Why Did My Ghost Shrimp Die? Stress can accumulate in fish resulting in health problems just like in humans. They do not have any special filtration needs other than regular maintenance. The bristlenose pleco is one of the greatest tank mates for electric blue acara. The electric blue acara is a hardy fish without many needs. . document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Some of these species will do great in a fish tank in your bedroom, while others are true monsters of the deep sea. FLOWERHORN CICHLID 1" Bonsai Flowerhorn F Mixed . While some fish will withstand a sudden change in pH, others will not. Failing to provide this will lead to serious health complications. So, whether youre a beginner or a seasoned pro, read on for the essential information you need to care for these beautiful fish! Caused by poor diet, unsanitary tank conditions, and Clostridium difficile bacteria. Start by gathering everything you need to set up your tank: 1. Water temperature: The temperature range required for the water environment of electric blue acara is 68-82F. Min Tank Size: 30 Gallons. . Some great options for this are bloodworms, brine shrimp, small insects, and earthworms. Home Realizacje i porady Bez kategorii oscar tank mates 125 gallon. If you have a photo I can identify it I was obsessed with South Americans cichlids for years. The female lays 150 to 200 eggs on a rock, and both parents care for and guard the eggs and fry. Combining the two species can result in a colorful and attractive community tank. This temperament combined with their ease of care makes them a very easy fish to keep! If you want the color of a small diano but cant keep it with electric blue acara as EBAs will eat it, the huge danio is the next best thing. The proud mother of blood parrots, firemouths, convicts, red zebras, electric yellows, a jewel, a chocolate, a severum, an EBJD, a blue acara, a . Malawi bloat causes a bloated abdomen and a diminished appetite or complete loss of appetite in fish. Mature males have a longer and more pointed dorsal fin while females typically have smaller fins overall. Balloon Molly fish is a unique freshwater fish that are bred extremely short and round. They're peaceful and will avoid starting trouble with other fish, You have a lot of options when it comes to choosing suitable electric blue acara tank mates. They eat the same meals and require the same level of attention. These beautiful fish are vibrant in coloration and behavior and are some of the easiest cichlids to breed. To do so, try to replicate their natural surroundings as much as possible with lots of hiding spots for them to feel comfortable. Theyre bright shoaling fish that should be kept in at least eight schools. Once everything is all set up its time to begin breeding your Electric Blue Acara. Theyre quite peaceful and their list of compatible tank mates is rather long (well get into this further on). Electric Blue Acara nibble on a wide range of snacks in the wild, and you want to maintain this variety in your aquarium too. Hey everyone, I have a 75 gallon with 2 EBA's and one L200 at the moment. Also, note that a higher flow can upset a sand substrate in addition to the disruption caused by your fish. Very true , you never know with cichlids. Angelfish have a distinct appearance when compared to other fishes. You might also want to include some peaceful bottom dwellers, such as plecos or Corydoras catfish. Electric blue acara fish love to swim, and you will likely see your fish spending the day swimming around. Quarantine affected fish; treat water with an antifungal remedy. What Makes Electric Blue Acara A Good Tank Mate? Again, some of the best species include Anubias, Java fern, and hornwort. If you have the room for a 55 gallon I would suggest getting a 75 gallon bigger footprint better for medium size fish. Be careful not to overfeed your Blue Acaras, as that can lead to digestive disorders. This means they do well with a wide variety of tank mates (more on that in the section below) and will rarely cause any disturbances in your aquarium. This line is also found on the back edge of their caudal fin, but its much smaller and usually very faint (you might not even notice it). Another symptom is difficulty breathing, which causes the fish to start breathing rapidly. The top edge of their dorsal fin has a vibrant yellow/orange line that really stands out. Shrimps and small fish give blue cichlids a special treat. It all boils down to the kind of cichlids you have. We seek to promote and sell equipment that works and understand that sometimes these will be products we do not carry so we are happy to part folks in the right direction :). If you take care of them properly and stay committed to maintaining their habitat then youll have them for a while. When you have multiple Electric Blues in the same tank its quite stunning to watch! You dont want to match them with much larger fish as they could become prey, and aggressive fish will cause anxiety and disruption in the tank. Most large cichlids need a 75 gallon minimum such as Jack Dempsey , Oscars , severums, Texas cichlid, green terrors ect.. Electric blue acara fish are omnivores and can eat both live animals, plants, and vegetables, but they are closer to being carnivores than anything else. . Our primary topics include aquascaping, tank guides, equipment reviews, and showcase of various examples of great aquariums across the web. Temperature and water quality are far more important to angels than the electric blue acara. Learn how your comment data is processed. Electric Blue Acaras have a typical, oval cichlid body shape with pointed dorsal and anal fins. The care you put into choosing tank mates determines your fishs comfortability. Can you keep discus in a 55 gallon tank? 2.75 pH: 7.0-8.3 . Rainbowfish should be kept in small groups to avoid hostile behaviors among themselves. Stress is something that fish, like people, must cope with regularly. In these countries, the blue acara can be found in a variety of ecosystems. Its important to be mindful of their natural diet and how you can replicate it in captivity. Silver dollars are exceedingly quiet. But with so many choices out there, it can be overwhelming knowing where to begin. They prefer a tank with many plants, which the electric blue acara also enjoys. That provides the fish with enough room to swim. Buy a group of 8 young fish and grow them up. Electric blue acara are active swimmers that need a lot of open space to enjoy. The name; balloon Molly truly justifies the appearance of this fish as their bellies are round and swollen with arched backs and extended dorsal fins. 7 Cory Cats. Though some hobbyists may try to tie or glue these plants down, your fish will rearrange the tank to its liking eventually. It is best to keep them in groups of six or more and, as an albino, come in a variety of hues. 22. The electric blue acara may not occur in the wild, but its closest relative, the blue acara, does. M. These vibrant fish are sure to add some excitement to your aquarium. An Electric Blue Acara needs at least a 30-gallon tank. Poor food, poor water quality, and the bacteria clostridium difficile have all been key contributors. These fish still display some excellent parenting, though! Kevin Clamser says . The eggs will incubate for two to three days when the fry will hatch and begin hunting for food. When ready, the female will lay her eggs on flat rocks or other accessible surfaces throughout the aquarium. To help prevent any possible aggression from this otherwise peaceful fish, a larger tank will allow for more space between tank mates. What Are The Best Plants For Electric Blue Acaras? Unlike other similar cichlids, the electric blue acara is an egg layer and not a mouthbrooder. Growth and Development. To get the best breeding pair possible, many hobbyists purchase a small group of about 5 fish. Austin, Texas 78750. Acaras can get 6-7 inches each and 5 is too many without the plecos. Suppose the required tank size for electric blue acaras is 40 gallons. So the total stocking would be 2 EBA's, 2 Regular Blue Acara and one L200. You can add any floating plant, for example, hornwort, which will comfort them a lot. 1 Pair Live Juvenile Electric Blue Acara Premium Freshwater Tropical Fish A+++ $69.99. These fish are primarily light and shiny blue with some subtle details that add to their glimmer. Electric blue acaras are popular due to the fish's iridescent blue coloring. It rarely presents aggressive behaviors and will almost always get along well with other fish of various sizes. A lot of potential owners think the opposite when they see that these fish are cichlids, but it simply isnt the case. I think it will be an awesome tank but I'm open to opinions, thanks! Like other cichlids, electric blues will rearrange the tank to how they like it, especially during spawning periods. The bond and amount of time you have with your fish is what its all about. A: As a general rule, it is recommended to have 1 Electric Blue Acara per every 10-15 gallons of water, so a 55 gallon tank can comfortably accommodate 4-6 Electric Blue Acaras. The electric blue acara is a full-grown member of the cichlid family, growing to be about 6 to 7 inches on average. Dont add dechlorinator to the water if you want to cycle the tank before introducing fish. The leaves give the setup a natural vibe, as well as offering a platform for colonies of naturally occurring microbes to grow on. Their scales are quite visible due to the brightness of the blue on their bodies. . They can both display a yellow or orange margin on the top of the dorsal fin. These, Why Your Betta Fish Is Laying At The Bottom Of The Tank, Why Is My Goldfish Turning White? Also, youll need to rinse the filter media in tank water to remove any sludge and replace the cartridges when necessary. (Cause & Prevention). With proper care and attention, your electric blue acara can live a long and healthy life. Once that happens, the fish are more likely to fall victim to attack by the parasites that cause common fish diseases, such as Ich and Fin Rot. If you dont want to hassle with this then you can feed them pellets and flake fish food provided it has enough nutritional value to keep them healthy. Stress is extremely harmful to aquarium fish and is known to weaken the animals immune system. We recommend taking the time to make sure their environment is adequate. Plants and vegetation are frequently floating on the surface of the bodies of water that electric blue acara inhabit. The temperature in a breeding tank should ideally be about 77 degrees Fahrenheit; once the spawning is complete, you will want to remove the adult fish to prevent them from eating their fry. 4. Remember, the electric blue acara is its own greatest tank companion! 13359 North Highway 183 Suite 406 Here's the ultimate care guide for this stunning species. The best electric blue acara tank will have a minimal design with open space that accents the natural colors and behaviors of the fish. You wont be disappointed. Make a highly vegetated aquarium so that each fish has a place to hide if they feel threatened. In addition, small invertebrates, like dwarf shrimp and snails, will also be seen as food for your electric blue acara. Blue acaras grow to a decent size and need room to swim. This can go a long way in keeping them happy and providing comfort and enrichment. Thank you for visiting! As with all species of fish, providing your pets with an environment that closely mirrors that of their preferred wild habitat can go a long way to keeping the fish content and stress-free. Electric Blue Acara are omnivores but eat a lot of live critters in the wild. However, if you maintain great water quality and give them a healthy diet these are unlikely to occur. Poor tank mates are ones that can easily fit in an electric blues mouth or ones that are overly aggressive or that try to fight back! For many years, the Electric Blue Acara has been an extremely popular choice for those with a South American cichlid aquarium. The fish will clean a spot on the bottom of the tank on top of the rocks where theyll tend to their eggs. A minimum tank size of 30 gallons will suffice for a single fish. Is this because of aggression? Blue Oscar Fish: They are the result of crossbreeding and will look similar to an Electric Blue Ram or Blue Acara. What stands out about the basic facts about this fish is how long it lives, and despite not being all that big it can live for up to 10 years! When the electric blue acara is between 8 and 10 months, it is considered mature enough to breed, and they will usually find their ideal pair in the tank on their own. This condition can cause the fish to lose color, become unhappy, and be lethargic, in addition to the skin damage. Gouramis have always been a popular choice for community tanks. What makes the electric blue acara so appealing to hobbyists is its colors. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend them. Because these fish are accustomed to viewing vegetation both in the water and on the land, you can experiment with various plant species and varieties. While setting the tank for your Electric Blue Acara, keep in mind the following aspects: Tank Size. Does anyone know if 1 electric blue acara would be ok in a 29 gallon tank with probably: 2 angelfish, 2-3 dwarf gouramis, 1 bristlnose pleco, a few panda Cory catfish OR a few black Kuhli loaches. They should not be kept alone, and it is better to keep them with a member of the opposite gender. Tankarium is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to In this guide, well provide everything you need to know about keeping electric blue acaras healthy and happy. While some fish have names that only indirectly represent them or names that might even be misguiding, this fish is everything the name indicates. These aquarium fish will do best on a sandy substrate where they are free to change their surroundings based on their own preferences. The electric blue andinoacara pulcher does a great job taking care of itself with some basiccichlid careneeds provided. My Electric blue has a fin that is completely torn up. With that being said, there are still some care guidelines that youll need to abide by if you want them to live a long and happy life. The best tank shape to choose for the Blue Acara is long rather than tall. Electric blues will appreciate a variety of live, freeze-dried, and frozen foods. Apr 12, 2022. These fish are extremely hardy and easy to care for, making them a good choice for a novice hobbyist. The bare minimum tank size for an electric blue breeding tank is 40 gallons. Aquarium Store Depotis a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to At this point, the fry or the parents may be removed from the tank to increase survival chances. Although Electric Blue Acara are pretty low-maintenance fish, we recommend spending a little time to ensure that their habitat is suitable. A pair thats about to mate will start to interact with each other more often than before. When you see these fish swimming it looks like shiny blue neon! Electric Blue Acara breeding is something that pretty much anyone can do. Their maximum size is 7 inches long when fully grown. A variety of events might create stress in fish. One of the best things about electric blue acara is that they eat anything you offer them! Electric blue acaras are a type of hybrid South American cichlid. The upper or middle level of the aquarium houses most electric blue acaras. Most tanks do well with under 20 ppm nitrate. Its recommended to have a set breeding tank with this fish. On the side of their bodies, youll typically see a bit of faded yellow more toward the front half. Just something to keep an eye on! They will also spend a decent amount of time investigating and digging into the substrate. You cannot go wrong with an electric blue acara they are big enough to draw attention to themselves but small enough to fit comfortably in an average 30-gallon freshwater tank. However, Blue Acaras are also sometimes found in standing water, where they feed on insects, crustaceans, worms, and some plant matter. As well see, male and female pairs will need to form on their own in most scenarios. We dont spam. The best strategy is to feed your fish two or three times each day, offering small amounts that the fish will devour in just a couple of minutes. Reply. They are colorful and gentle, allowing them to coexist with various fish species, including the electric blue acara. These fish are compatible with other fish as tank mates, and it is smart to place them with others of the same breed or for their tank mates to be fish of a similar size and with friendly personalities. They should have a tank that is a minimum size of 40 gallons for a pair. Other hobbyists keep only electric blue acaras in their tanks and let them breed. Electric blue acaras do best in a slow to medium flow, though they can adapt to higher water currents as long as there are areas of lower flow throughout the aquarium. Discus is a social fish that you should keep in schools, and they rarely bother the other fish in the tank. Thats why it is crucial to acknowledge whenever your fish gets under stress or is anxious. These fish are a flash of brilliant light in the aquarium with their bright blue bodies! Which Fishes Are Incompatible With Electric Blue Acaras? This means if you have two of these cichlids youll need 45 gallons. You can install an air pump or create a surface disturbance. To do this youll want to mimic their natural environment as much as you can. The water temperature needs to be between 73o and 79o Fahrenheit. Clown Loaches are one of the most popular freshwater fish in the aquarium scene. This means youll need to feed them enough protein-rich food to satisfy their nutritional requirements. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. WI. Formalin, sodium chloride, and malachite green are effective treatments for ich. In most cases, hobbyists use this fish species as the showpiece of the display, with all other species being catered towards them.

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how many electric blue acara in a 75 gallon